So, immediately upon moving to Washington this year and continuing my career as a nurse living out on the Pen (the Olympic Peninsula), I heard about the Dungeness Creamery. Co-workers kept talking about how cute the cows were. Not one person mentioned the benefits of drinking raw milk, but just the adorability of the farm animals. That's OK. Having always been a sucker for a good-looking cow, I decided to go see for myself. Well, what an eye-opening experience that was. And lo and behold, the creamery is literally just a couple of miles from where I live. Do you ever wonder what is in your own backyard that you have yet to discover??
The term 'traditional foods' kept popping up in our research. We sort of felt like Lewis and Clark on an expedition. The thing is, those great explorers were only discovering something they had never seen before. Lots of people were already living in those areas and they just happened to decide to go check things out. We were quickly realizing there is a whole movement occurring in this world of people getting back to eating like our ancestors used to. This was big news to us! And thus my question of "Where have I been?"
Raw milk has been used as medicine because of its healing properties and this goes way back to the time of Hippocrates, you know...the oath guy for all you medical folk out there. Raw milk can be considered a complete food and that distinction comes from the fact that raw milk has all 8 of the essential amino acids we humans need. Amino acids are building blocks for protein and protein helps us build muscle tissue amongst other things. Humans need about 20-22 amino acids, but only 8 are essential. We can get the other 12-14 from those original 8 because our bodies are amazing little machines that can do that kind of magic stuff!
Oh wait, there's more! After the amino acids, comes the carbohydrate component of raw milk. This is the part where if people have lactose intolerance (think of Meg Ryan in French Kiss), things can get really ugly. For those of us that don't, sheer joy! Our bodies break down the carbs in milk and create an end-result~~the leftovers if you will~~ a.k.a. lactic acid. So what you say? Well, this little guy basically sucker-punches some pretty nasty bacteria and makes them totally useless. The Eureka! moment is this: lactic acid helps our bodies absorb calcium, phosphorous and iron. If you haven't googled the terms osteopenia and osteoporosis before ladies (and gents too), this may be the time!
No blog post on drinking raw milk would be complete about this final component: FATS! Of course, this is the impetus behind why I have been ingesting 'dead' milk for the last 30 years of my life. Saturated fats. Kind of like saying two cuss words in a row! SATURATED FATS!!! There, I do feel better! Those two words have taken a lot of abuse in main-stream media, but they also play a role in our bodies and an important one at that. Every single cell within us has a wall of protection around it composed of FAT! Our hormones are reliant upon fats. In addition, fats provide insulation and padding around our vital organs. Fats help us absorb fat-soluble vitamins which are A, D, E, and K.
And, here is the jewel in the crown for me, fats help us feel satiated or satisfied when we eat. I never feel that when I am on a low-fat craze. I am always hungry and usually end up eating more food than I normally would if I would just eat something more satisfying.
Now, please hear me. I am not touting for anyone to go out and consume a high-fat, high-caloric, nutritionally deficit meal or adopt that kind of diet. I am learning about moderation and that no real food is 'bad'. Processed foods, well...that is a another blog entirely, but real food is a good thing!
From my reading on this, the bad rap for fat came when they started to pump hydrogen into it to make it solid. Around the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, trans fat Crisco was born and heart disease started becoming more prevalent. Cows were not primarily fed grain during that time either, but were more grass fed and that is what the traditional food movement is all about. Getting back to basics.
On to Vitamins. I am one of those people who routinely take a handful of vitamins every morning. Again, another blog post I am sure because I am aware of all of the controversy swirling around that. Again, in my previous life, I worked with some pretty brilliant people and one of them was a PharmD (doctorate in pharmacy) and she gave a marvelous lecture on Vitamins. I walked away conflicted, but the lecture itself made me think and that is always a sign of success in my book. Seems like whole milk has a lot of vitamins, both water and fat soluble. One of the tid-bits I have stored in my brain is the best source of vitamins is always in their natural state. Milk certainly fits the bill here. It is a complete food.
And just when I thought it couldn't get any better, I read about minerals. Milk contains a broad selection of them even down to trace elements. Calcium is the one that immediately comes to mind. Strong bones and teeth, reduction in cancers particularly in the colon, and lowered risk of kidney stones are just some of its benefits. To be most beneficial, Calcium needs a couple of other nutrients, phosphorous and magnesium, which are are also found in grass-fed cow's milk.
Raw milk also aids in digestion because it possesses these little jewels called enzymes. Anytime we ingest a food with enzymes capable of digesting itself, our pancreas gets a little break. And in addition to enzymes, there is the good bacteria that is found in raw milk. This helps build up the normal flora in our gut much like eating a pro-biotic food like yogurt. Again, a good thing! Raw milk improves with age. I even read an article on 100 uses if your raw milk begins to sour.
The other thing to consider is cost. At $6.75 per gallon, it is considerably more expensive than store bought milk. What I have noticed already is the satiety factor. If I drink milk with my meal, which I do at lunch and dinner, I don't tend to overeat. I feel more satisfied. I am sure this is from the fat content. The second servings that I normally went back for are becoming available for tomorrow's lunches. I see that as cost-effective and it helps me to justify the few extra bucks. For me personally, this is an investment in my health and that is a very good thing!!